Eileen Patton
2008 Education Scholarship Winner CDT Ryan Tompkins
2008 ROTC Scholarship Winner GM David Counts sitting in "The Chair"
January 10, 2009 Night With The Dragons Fund Raiser GM Dodson and "The Chair" Raymond Wiggins Grand Tiler 2005 2005 Grand Lodge Officers
Lane and Sandy Feazell with cake Lane Feazell with Sandy receiving the 2008 Golden Trowel fro WM Coby Carter Ricky & Trey presenting a check and certificate to the Nacogdoches Band Booster President WM Greg Sowell presents checks and certificates to Lila Kerr and Kyle Locke. WM Greg Sowell and DDGM At Large Raymond Wiggins with Grand Master Brian R. Dodson sitting in "The Chair'. Jack Mathews receiving the Golden Trowel award from Senior Warden Gregory Sowell. Our own Raymond Wiggins being sworned in as Grand Tiler of the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Texas. Original Republic of Texas Masonic Charter Dated Dec. 2, 1838 One of the original twelve chairs of Milam Lodge reserved exclusively for the current Governor of the State of Texas, the President of the United States,or the Grand Master of the State of Texas. Chair reserved for the newly raised Master Mason to sit in while receiving his Master Mason Lecture Stair Lifts installed in Milam Lodge in March 2005 allowing accessibility to our disabled brothers. Grand Tiler Raymond Wiggens presenting the Golden Trowel award to John Derrick Grand Master 2005 and Milam's three principal officers. Left to right: Greg Sowell S.W., Don Sargent W.M., Elmer Murphy III G.M. 2005, Coby Carter J.W. Grand Master Elmer Murphy III and Grand Tiler Raymond Wiggins with "The Chair." GM Elmer Murphy III sitting in "The Chair", along with, from left to right, GT Raymond Wiggins, GJW Tommy Griffin, DGM Brian R. Dotson, GP Micheal Wiggins, and David Counts Jr. The Grand Master made an official visit to Milam Lodge No. 2 in Nacogdoches on August 5, 2004. One of the highlights of the visit was the Grand Master sitting in the "Old Chair", which is one of 12 original chairs that were purchased by the lodge in 1837. The chair is reserved for the Grand Master of Masons in Texas, the current President of the United States, or the current Governor of Texas. Pictured with the Grand Master is R:.W:. Norris Conditt, DDGM 21A (left) and R:.W:. Jimmy Allison, DDGM 20.
Eileen Patton
2008 Education Scholarship Winner